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"When all else fails, have faith"

Friday, June 08, 2012


Dying to tell you everything I wish I could, but I can't.

Week six of school is starting in just another few days' time and I really dread school. Why can't we just stick to one bunch of classmates? Sigh. Some times I just hate how RP system works. I still miss my Y1S1 classmates, 'cuz they bring me uncountable amount of joy and fun. Y1S2 was fine because I got to know the boy, and some other great friends. And now, Y2S1, I don't know. I can't even bond a single bit with them. Am I that bad in blending in with people? I think I might have some social issues. ☹

Gah, realized I kept whining about Poly life. I should probably shut up.
Just wanna be with the boy now.

Luv X